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The South End Environmental Injustice Society (SEED) gained recognition for our work addressing environmental concerns and received the Group Award at the 2018 Nova Scotia Human Rights Awards Celebration. We were also featured in the internationally acclaimed documentary "There's Something in The Water," directed by Elliot Page, based on Dr. Ingrid R.G. Waldron's book of the same name.


In Shelburne, our community resides primarily in the south end, which was used as a landfill for industrial, medical, and residential waste for 75 years. SEED represents a grassroots response to the environmental injustice faced by our community, aiming to address environmental racism and promote equitable health outcomes.


Join us in our mission to challenge environmental racism, empower communities, and create a sustainable future. Together, we can make a significant impact! 


Get to Know Us


Louise Delisle



Andrea Davis


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